QCN 70 Quad Ring Cord | Quality Sealing Products | FST Australia
    • Quad Shaped O-Ring cord is useful in applications where a traditional O-Ring profile has failed due to spiralling. The Quad shaped profile helps to stabilise the O-Ring and prevent the oring from spiralling in its groove.
    • O-Ring cord is a continuous length of extruded cord which allows for the fabrication of custom sizes of an O-Ring for a particular sealing application.
    • O-Ring cord can be bonded using certain cyanoacrylic bonding agents.
    • O-Ring cord is supplied by the metre and can be cut to any length
    • Available in a wide variety of materials.
    • Due to the weakness in the join where a length of cord is joined, it is suggested to custom fabricated Cord O-Rings are only used in static applications.
    • Nitrile 70A Duro - Precision extruded.
    • Used in a wide variety of applications that require a custom sealing solution.
    • Recommended for static applications only.
    • Hydraulic fluids, petroleum fuels and oils

    PLEASE NOTE: O-Ring Cord is sold in per/metre quantities with a minimum order of 1m.

Product Code
1.78mm - 0.070" - 1/16" Nom - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro 75065240 CRD 070 NC70R-Q OLD CODE
2.62mm - 0.103" - 3/32" Nom - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro 75065288 CRD 103 NC70R-Q OLD CODE
3.18mm - 0.125" - 1/8" Act - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro
3.53mm - 0.139" - 1/8" Nom - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro 75065344 CRD 139 NC70R-Q OLD CODE
6.99mm - 0.275" - 1/4" Nom - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro 75065511 CRD 275 NC70R-Q OLD CODE
9.53mm - 0.375" - 3/8" Act - X-Ring Cord Nitrile 70 Duro